Crossing Dialogues
Association for intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogues

The elective positions

The association has been founded on November 16, 2007. The charter members hold the following elective positions:


Dr. Anna Maria Petta



Dr. Daniela Cardillo

Graduate in Foreign Languages and Literatures and in Communications’ Sciences. Expert in communication and web editing


Dott.ssa Antonella Puzella

Psichiatra Psicoterapeuta

If you want to be updated on the association’s activities, you can send an email or contact us via Facebook.

Crossing's team

For more information get in touch with us

Welcome to the new site

The new platform brings with it many new contents and new services that will soon be available. We apologize for any temporary disruptions you may encounter during this transition phase. For any information, write to us using the dedicated form.