Dialogues in Philosophy
Mental and Neuro Sciences

Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences
The official journal of Crossing Dialogues
Volume 12, Issue 2 (December 2019)
Endogenous, organic and psychogenic phenomena in clinical psychopathology
Gaspare Vella
The art of the clinical encounter requires general categories allowing a clear understanding of what is going on in the dialogical flux. This brief contribution describes the basic categories of thinking guiding a phenomenal analysis of the way patients live and present to the interviewer their vital themes.
A distinction is made of the different way the themes are experienced and presented in psycho-organic, endogenous and psychogenic syndromes. Finally, useful ideas for the psychopharmacologists are suggested, based on the way drugs change the phenomenal picture.
psychopathology, phenomenology, endogenous psychoses, psychogenic reactions, phenomenal analysis
Dial Phil Ment Neuro Sci 2019; 12(2): 77-78