Dialogues in Philosophy
Mental and Neuro Sciences

Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences
The official journal of Crossing Dialogues
Volume 14, Issue 2 (December 2021)
The Refugees and asylum seekers victims of torture and other forms of intentional violence: a multidimensional approach
Elena Forgione, Marzia Albanese & Anna Maria Petta
At international level, in 2021, UNHCR estimated 84 million forced migrants. In Italy too, there was an increased number of people fleeing persecution due to racial, religious, nationality, belonging to social or political groups, who bring along physical and/ or mental health problems due to torture or violence faced. Despite this, it emerges that knowledge of the effects and impact of torture on the migrants’ mental and physical health, and their daily life is still not widespread within the assistance services.
In this article, it is described the psychosocial services of the Crossing Dialogues Association. It was planned following the results of a mapping research on the mental health needs of asylum seekers and refugees in Rome, from which emerged relevant difficulties in accessing specialized mental health care services.
The following four Crossing Dialogues facilities are described:
1)The psycho-anthropological assessment service, requests (TC).
1)The psycho-anthropological assessment service, requests (TC).
2)The psychological support service, which implemented a three-phase approach by integrating different network with public service psychiatrists for the realization of integrated projects.
3)The geopolitical consulting context of origins and on local access to care.
4)The cognitive and psychodiagnostics assessment service, evaluating planning dimensions.
Forced migration, mental health services, PTSD, torture, Italian guidelines, psycho-anthropological approach
Dial Phil Ment Neuro Sci 2021; 14(2): 60-74
Received on April 01, 2022
Accepted on May 16, 2022
Firstly published online on May 23, 2022